Pulchritudinous, awesome,

Hi welcome to my blog.
No Fighting
Unless you are 2 hot lesbian chicks
This is my blog, not yours.

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Liu Jing
Liu Jing
Create Your Badge i think i'm BHB
What BHB really means.


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Everybody has their first times in all sorts of th...
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teachers hate me
rant to the rythm
soccer & basket
road trip part 2

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Jolin tsai ( nub version)
Jonas Yeo
Wei Hao
Xue Yun

Designer: {&}Evalicious-
Codes: Corsages Site Meter

Bangs and Microphones

came home at 2am today. and i still managed to use the computer till 3am. such a geek.

ytd went to support Jun's performance. it was at this cheena place with cheena stuff. and vegaterian fishes. damnit i got scammed. but it was fun, because tian hoe started this thing that we should all mimic what the host does, why would we want to do that some may ask. well, cause we thought he was extra coming out halfway thru someone elses performance and trying to liven up the crowd. AND WE DID! WE GO SO DAMN HIGH. imagine 14 guys in one section of the crowd cheering ONLY when that dude comes out. and not cheering for the performance! A few of us were skeptical at first. But we released our inibitions later on cuz we got frigging bored. And turns out, they actually liked us! cuz we made other ppl hyper. Tian Hoe's awesome. we are awesome.

Also there was this bangs girl whom Jun INSISTS not to introduce to me. shes so mean. Other than being pretty, she has a voice of an angel. its like buy 1 get 1 free.

anyway, after the concert, the initial plan was to go to bedok 85 to eat. but this one want to go home that one also decided to go home. Me and the Usual Haos went to central and just chatted around and semi-inibriated and we used each other's phone to send the same random crap to people just because we were high. Too bad they didn't reply earlier. or our night would have been more fun. I don't blame them though. it was 1am...

everything starts with a dream.

im sure everyone knows about how hard flight of the bumble bee is to play. and how much harder it would be to play it on a flute. and also HOW MUCH MORE HARD IT IS TO PLAY WITH WHILE BEATBOXING@!@!
check this out.

Random Rant.

Saturday, July 18, 2009