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tiertiary system sucks

I've long expecting myself to say this again.

The Tertiary System SUCKS!

so much for studying for ourselves. Its all bullshit. that's right, you heard me. ALL BULLSHIT

Apparently the school doesn't know that students are very sociable and we communicate with each other. So we already knew that there were speeches from JCs and POLY today.

However, SOMEONE from on top gave orders not to tell the first 3 classes that there was a poly talk. Something about not wanting us to have any thoughts about going poly because we are supposed to AIM LOWER. (Lower the l1R5 the better) And the irony is, they want us to make an informed decision. How inform can we get if we do not hear things from both sides?

oh and a quote from a certain person that this certain JC principal couldn't make it, and he wants to see us personally so he didn't send any VP to talk to us.

BULLSHIT. you want the truth? they FORGOT, and some teachers were angry at them. Unfortunately, we are not in fairy tale, my sources told me that , This certain JC would rather have people from Sch with PSLE aggregates of 245 +++ . The only reason they would talk to us would probably be the 40 special streamed people.

So will the tietiary system stop trying to brain wash us. Unfortunately, am i the only one who sees all this? if you agree with me, share with the world what i said.

Random Rant.

Monday, July 20, 2009